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IWD 2021 The Future of Women in Architecture - The Big Debate 1

The Challenge of working from home - is it good, bad, or ugly?

Have you enjoyed the 5 minute commute from your bed to your desk? Or does the prospect of 8 hours of zoom calls fill you with dread?

Do you want to continue working from home after lockdown ends? Or are you raring to get back into the office?

WIA UK recently launched ‘The Future of Women in Architecture’ survey where we asked our community about the impact the Covid-19 pandemic has had on women in the profession.

On the challenge of working from home, our survey shows us to be a nation divided!

This International Women's Day 2021, we would like to share with you a teaser of some of the findings from our survey, spark a healthy debate and hear your point of view on home working too.

Join us for what is shaping up to be a lively debate - with the WIA committee and guests- on the pro's and con's of home working.

This event has been organised in collaboration with the RIBA.

Debate moderated by

Debate participants

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About The Big Debate series

Working women have been hit hard during the pandemic.

The Future of Women in Architecture survey was launched by WIA UK in February 2021 to uncover the common challenges faced by women in the profession and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Big Debate series will explore these common challenges identified from the survey in a series of individual events, bringing together view points from various perspectives and voices within the community.

The hope of the series is to realise a collective vision of what the future of women in architecture really looks like? How do we retain women within the profession? How do we address the long term impact that the pandemic will have on the profession?

The debate format aims to encourage dialogue and discussion within the community and look for collective solutions to address the overall challenge - creating an equitable profession for all.

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