Announcement: New Chair of WIA UK - Igea Troiani
We warmly welcome Women in Architecture's new chair, Igea Troiani!
Igea Troiani (PhD) is a trained architect, independent filmmaker, Professor of Architecture and Chair of WIA. She's practised in Australia, Germany and is co-founder with Andrew Dawson of Original Field of Architecture in Oxford. Since writing her first-year essay 'Women in Architecture' in 1985, she's been writing about women in architecture. Her forthcoming book is titled Work-life Balance in Architecture due out later this year.
We very much look forward to a successful future at WIA with Igea!
Image credit: Raghav Dixit, April 2022
“I’m committed to improving gender balance and work-life in architecture, so it is rewarding and satisfying for people of different gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, class and age.” - Igea Troiani