What do Women in Architecture want for 2024?

At our Winter Social earlier this month, hosted by Domus, some members of the committee shared their thoughts and what they were looking forward to in 2024. Thank you to our friends at You See Media for capturing our aspirations in this wonderful video below.

"I'm hoping that 2024 will be more inclusive and open up to other women that may have started in the sphere of architecture (...) to become stronger, build a sister hood, build some camaraderie and drive some change."
- Anna Ifanti, Buro Happold

After appreciating what a busy and successful year we have had, Women in Architecture look forward to continue to grow and empower other women that surround us in the industry.

We have some extremely exciting things in the making for next year and we can't wait to have you with us along the way.

Women in Architecture thank you and wish you all a joyful and restful break. Here's to 2024!