A Message from WIA

Dear WIA Supporters, 

With the coronavirus (COVID-19 ) at the forefront of our minds, our hearts and thoughts go out to the people who have been affected by this unprecedented event. We appreciate the healthcare workers, local communities, and governments around the world who are on the front line to contain this virus. 

We know that many of you will be anxious about your elderly relatives, your kids and your job security. The solution to the problems we will face going forward will need to come from our communities uniting. We encourage you to use the WIA community to reach out, talk, help prepare and support you through this crisis. 

You can now find relevant links and support from ABS, Anxiety UK and more, on our new LINKS page.

Please take care.

The WIA team.


Well Being In The City

This year Women In Architecture is inviting debate and on how to groups of people, e.g. parents with young children, people with mental illness, people with reduced mobility, people who have to travel late at night/very early morning, experience the city. What do the different groups need? What makes them able to be part of the community? What do they need to feel safe and supported?

It is only by involving everyone living in a city and giving them the opportunity to influence how places are made that cities can truly thrive. There is good evidence on how to promote wellness, collected in a meta analysis by the New Economics Foundation.

  • Connect

  • Give

  • Take Notice

  • Keep Learning

  • Be Active

Women In Architecture will be contributing positively to this community over the coming months by giving our members the chance to connect, to keep learning and to take an active part in increasing our collective understanding of what is needed to create well-being.

We will keep you posted of dates, meanwhile, join us for debate, support and conversation on the LinkedInGroup, Instagram and Twitter.